Chloramine Tutorial
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DESTRUCTION OF PATHOGENS (Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoan Cysts): Both Conventional (low pressure) and Medium pressure UV will assist chlorine in disinfection including the destruction of all bacteria, viruses and protozoan cysts on a single pass. DESTRUCTION OF CHLORAMINES: Monochloramine (NH2Cl), Dichloramine (NHCl2), and Nitrogen Trichloride (NCl3) are the products of nitrogen introduction from bather waste forming …
Sentry UV’s line of 254 nm wavelength low-pressure lamps may be used to effectively destroy residual ozone in a water treatment. As ozone destruction requires a larger dose of UV compared to standard UV disinfection applications, it is recommended that the each system be professionally sized by a member of our technical staff. We offer …
Sentry UV, Inc offers the most reliable and efficient UV technology available for destroying or neutralizing microorganisms in water and air-borne chemicals. With systems ranging from 75gpm gallons per minute to millions gallons per day, we offer a product line to suit your needs. Sentry UV disinfection product offerings meet or exceed FDA and NSF …
I’d like to take this opportunity to address one of the many issues surrounding the pool industry and UV lights. First, all UV in not created equal and all water is not the same. Water quality is the topic. I have mentioned how I take creative ideas and apply them to UV and its uses. …
Information on ultraviolet lighting for coil cleaning can be found in a recently published article in Engineered Systems magazine and this article written by Roy Underwood with Sentry Ultraviolet, Inc. Briefly, ultraviolet radiation in the “C” wavelength range (UVC) has been used to irradiate dirty air handling system components to deactivate microorganisms on the coils …
“SICK BUILDING SYNDROME” This new GREEN product from Roy Underwood, N.D. is his latest design to purify any vent that emits carbon gases that cause smells and odors. This product also eliminates pathogens coming from sewage vents that emit viruses and bacterium that are harmful to the indoor environment. This new patented design is the …
Tracing back the history, the Aztecs 1,000 years ago have been using raft to plant their crops and let it sit on the lake. The concept has been used again not until these days, where fishermen are trying to grow crops and plants with this method to keep them from being dependent to the land. …
This bacterium has plagued plant growers for years and up until now the only option was chemicals. Chemicals are not necessarily bad when kept in check. However, this is very difficult to do when you have thousands of acres of plants that need water often. The EPA has started to enforce laws for the use …
Kill Pathogens Such as Cryptosporidium and E-coli on Contact to Combat Increased Illness Outbreaks Norcross, GA May 24, 2017 – A report this week from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) citing a two-fold increase in cryptosporidium, more simply known as “crypto,” outbreaks points to the need for Ultraviolet lights to enhance …
Sentry Ultraviolet Light Systems Clean Up Chloramines in Public Swimming Pools Read More »