This new GREEN product from Roy Underwood, N.D. is his latest design to purify any vent that emits carbon gases that cause smells and odors. This product also eliminates pathogens coming from sewage vents that emit viruses and bacterium that are harmful to the indoor environment.
This new patented design is the latest technology from the designers to solve the major part of the “sick building syndrome.” A commercial sewage vent on a typical commercial building is in close proximity to the large piece of equipment called a fresh air vent. According to federal law, the fresh air vent has to open every hour and flood the commercial building with fresh air. In the ideal scenario, the sewer gases, bacterium, viruses and odors that come out of the sewage vents drift off into space to plague the environment elsewhere. The problem is that on days when the atmosphere is heaviest, all these bacterium, viruses, odors and gases stay close to the roof as they cannot move due to the compressed heavy air. With the fresh air vent that opens every hour, these bacterium, viruses, odors and gases are drawn into the build to plague the occupants of that particular building, thus what is known as the “sick building syndrome.”
This new GREEN technology not only solves the problem for the buildings, landfills or other applications on which they are placed (without chemicals), but it also eliminates the odors, sterilizes everything else, and the only thing that comes out of our vents is sterile air! That’s right, 24/7/365 all the bacterium, viruses and gases that come through our system are eliminated, and the smells and odors are completely eradicated. That means it does not matter where they go, they cannot become a problem or cause diseases. Also, little to NO carbon footprint left.
This is a simple, straight forward technology that is very affordable to buy and cost effective to operate. We custom manufacture these systems for the individual buildings’ needs depending on the need, technology requested and location. We offer a lease program.
Please contact Roy at 866-226-0820 or royu@sentryuv.com for more information regarding this GREEN technology.