TO GOD BE THE GLORY – Sentry Ultraviolet, Inc. (“Sentry”) sees its responsibilities to several segments of society. First and foremost honest and fair dealings will be the foundation on which we will build relationships.

To the consumer:
 We pledge always high quality products. These products are to be of the best workmanship and priced fairly.

To the distributors & retailers: 
We pledge high quality products sold at a fair price. Products they will not have to apologize for and products that they can make a reasonable and fair profit. Service and support for them and their customers and products that are proudly American made.

To our employees:
 Fair compensation and job security to the best of our ability. Also according to ones involvement, talent, and initiative we will offer advancement. We realize it is people that make a company great. It is with this in mind we offer the above mentioned to assure said employee they are part of a team that cares.

To our suppliers: 
Sentry wants and desires to promote a professional partnership with the suppliers who provide for our manufacturing needs. We are willing to pay a fair price for the products receive. It is our expectations to receive the highest quality product for a fair and reasonable price. A long lasting relationship, such as the one we share with our Distributors & retailers, is our ultimate goal for the relationship.

To the community: 
Sentry will be a good company neighbor and corporate citizen. We plan to pay our fair share of local taxes as well as being involved in civic affairs. It is our intentions to provide good jobs and operate a safe and environmentally friendly work place.

To the environment: 
Sentry feels the responsibility to build or maintain attractive buildings that will be compatible with the local environment. We desire to be a pollution sensitive manufacturer by helping to better the surroundings in which our buildings are located.

To local, state, & federal government: 
Sentry pledges itself to be a responsible participant in government. We feel the need to provide leadership, if called upon. For the greatest Nation on earth and the Country that has given us the Free Enterprise system we pledge to be a loyal corporate citizen.

— Roy & Mark Underwood Founders of Sentry UV, Inc

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