It is now well established that LP UV does destroy harmful chloramines. Chloramines are a combination of ammonia and other organic matter bonding to chlorine. Terms you may have heard of are Mono-Chloramines, Di-Chloramines, TriChloramines, etc.

These are building blocks and with our LP UV chlorines can be eliminated while not completely destroying free chlorine. LP UV is very cost effective to purchase and to operate. Unlike MP systems which destroys all chlorine in a single pass thus running up the cost of operations for pool owners.

UV light has to penetrate into the water to be effective. There are some factors that can prevent this from happening. %-T or amount of UV being transmitted into the water is based on the quality of the water, flow rate, and mixing efficiency. Water with organic matter, oil, skin, cyanic acid, etc. will affect the UV penetration. Quartz sleeves being fouled with minerals, i.e. iron, will limit or completely stop UV penetration. Dwell time or exposure time is different between each type pathogen or chemical. So correctly establishing the pathogen or chemical is critical for achieving the desired results. Also the better the filtration the better the UV results will be. Failure to correctly size the UV system is another problem. All UV’s are not created equal.

It is the goal of Sentry Ultraviolet to provide those who need knowledge of ultraviolet light and its applications on this site or by calling us so you can help you make the correct decision about which of our systems will perform best for your needs.

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