What is Aquaponics?

Tracing back the history, the Aztecs 1,000 years ago have been using raft to plant their crops and let it sit on the lake.  The concept has been used again not until these days, where fishermen are trying to grow crops and plants with this method to keep them from being dependent to the land.  Right now, it has become one of the best farm systems to use, especially that we are trying to restore the cleanliness of our environment.  Many types of aquaponics are now being used based on the location of those who make use of it.  If you’re going to know more about what is aquaponics, you’ll discover how the fish and the plants can help each other indirectly to survive.  The wastes excreted by the fish in the fish tank are being processed by good bacteria in the water, and turns it into nutrients for the plants.   Thus, if it is being supplied as water for the plants, it can grow healthier, with no side effects, unlike using the plant fertilizers which is filled with chemicals.

On the other hand, fish can also benefit from the plants.   When the water from the fish tank is pumped to the grow beds for the plants, it is absorbed by the grow media and then goes to the pumping system and brings the water back to tank.   However, the water now becomes cleaner, filled with nutrients and oxygen needed by the fish.   Since plants can neutralize the water, the pH of it is just right for the fish to survive.   Before the water gets to the fish tank, it must pass through a filtering system made from stones, gravel, pebbles, or other grow media.

The workload of aquaponics isn’t as hard as the traditional farming system.  Much of your effort is only concentrated upon the first month, where you need to frequently check the ammonia and nitrite levels and pH of the water to make sure that both plants and fish won’t get stressed. By the time that the system becomes stable, you have now lesser work since you only have to check it periodically.   Another benefit of aquaponics is that you don’t need to change the water.  You only have to supply little amount of water for the water that has evaporated during the process.  This is a good way to help conserve water, especially to farms that have limited water supplies.

Since this is an environmental-friendly technique of farming and fishing, it is the most ideal way to grow plants and fish at the same time.  No need for fertilizers, chemicals and harmful pesticides.  Sentry UV has been helping aquaculture and fish farmers for years grow their crops pathogen free and maintaining excellent water quality.  As science improves making the environment better and creating healthier food while saving water you’ll find Sentry’s UV’s and products helping lead the way.

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